Camping…Part 1

This past Easter weekend, my people and I went camping! We usually go camping in a tent, but this time we borrowed my boy’s parent’s RV and took it to a lake a few hours away from home. It was nice to have, because it was kind of chilly and a tent wouldn’t have been much shelter! We left home Thursday night (my people get Good Friday off work) and drove the two hours to my (other) Gram and Grampa’s house. There, I played with all my bear cousins and we stayed the night in the guest room.

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Friday morning was warm and sunny, and we loaded up all our stuff and headed to the lake! We had to hook up the truck to the RV, make sure all the lights were working, and then drive another 30 minutes to the lake!

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Once we got to the lake,we stopped at the office and paid for our permit!

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It was time to set up. There were wheels to chock (that’s putting blocks around them so the won’t roll…like an airplane, remember?!), water to hook up, power to plug in, and the little slide-out room to set up!

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After the RV was stable and all powered up, I climbed on top and put up the TV Antenna (although we didn’t pick up many channels), then climbed back down to get the fire pit ready. We brought firewood with us, and steaks to grill for dinner!

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Finally! It was time to sit back and relax! The lake was right behind our campsite, and even when it got chilly outside, I could sit in my little window and watch it!

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